Enlighten RX Peel


Brighten and Balance with the Enlighten RX Peel

At Iorio Plastic Surgery & Medspa, we understand the importance of a flawless complexion. That’s why we offer the Enlighten™ RX Peel, a premier solution for those looking to address common skin concerns such as melasma, acne scarring, and sun damage. Performed by our experienced staff in a luxurious setting, this treatment is designed to deliver smoother, more even skin, enhancing your natural beauty and restoring your confidence.

What Is Enlighten RX Peel?

The Enlighten™ RX Peel, developed by ReveSkin, is a high-quality chemical peel program that targets and reduces skin discoloration, acne scarring, and hyperpigmentation, including challenging conditions like melasma. This transformative treatment not only fades unwanted pigmentation but also smooths the skin’s texture and improves your overall complexion. Our office-based applications, followed by a home treatment regimen, ensure continuous improvement and lasting results.

How Does Enlighten RX Peel Work?

The Enlighten™ RX Peel accelerates the skin’s natural resurfacing process by removing dead skin cells and revealing healthy new skin underneath. Its unique formula not only exfoliates but also inhibits melanin production, preventing new pigmentation from forming during the treatment cycle. The treatment includes an initial in-office application, a follow-up peel, and a comprehensive at-home care regimen featuring medical-grade retinol and hydroquinone, culminating in another session for ultimate skin rejuvenation.

Benefits of Enlighten RX Peel

Evens Skin Tone

This peel effectively fades discoloration, offering a more uniform complexion.

Tackles Melasma

Specifically designed to address tough-to-treat melasma, providing visible improvements.

Smooths Skin Texture

Achieve softer, smoother skin with reduced appearance of pores and imperfections.

Diminishes Hyperpigmentation

Targets and lightens dark spots, leading to a clearer, brighter skin tone.

Sun Damage Repair

Helps repair and reverse the effects of sun damage, restoring skin’s natural radiance.

Brighter Complexion

Leaves your skin looking brighter and more vibrant, enhancing your overall facial aesthetic.

Why Choose Us for Enlighten RX Peel?

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is an ideal candidate for the Enlighten™ RX Peel?

Anyone struggling with melasma, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, or uneven skin texture may benefit from this peel. It’s suitable for all skin types and tones.

The process includes an initial in-office application, a secondary peel two weeks later, and a 28-day home care regimen, concluding with a complimentary Glow Session.

Expect 2–4 days of downtime post-application, with possible redness and swelling, followed by a flaking period where dead skin peels away.

Initial improvements may be noticeable a week after the procedure, with final results assessed four weeks after the initial application.

Yes, for clients with more severe concerns, repeat treatments may be beneficial and can be discussed during your consultation.